Sunday, March 04, 2007

Zodiac....SEE IT!

Zodiac is a pretty kick-ass movie. The fact that box office receipts thus far have been disappointing and that instead, Wild Hogs is raking in the dough makes me very, very sad. Anyone who likes gritty crime stories and/or 1970's period peices and good acting should see Zodiac. It's also a veritable who's-who of some of today's best character actors. Highly recommended.

**For those of you suckas who were too chicken to go to this movie with me, you'd really only be squirmy during a couple of scenes. Those couple are doozies however. Youch.


At 10:33 PM, Blogger Ben said...

Don't they just remake this movie every 10 years or so? I'm so tired of hollywood retreads.

I'm writing this now because I'm 30 minutes in to a Black Donnellys suckfest. It had so much potential...

It's almost enough to piss me off enough to become a screenplay writer. Clearly, that field is lacking in on of my areas of strength.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger SUE said...

Hi - Zodiac is actually not at all a's very, very well done and doesn't focus on what you think it's going to focus on. It's flat out great.

As for the Black Donnellys...yeah. The only NON-suck part last night was Tommy with his shirt off...damn. It's a rare white boy that can look like that. They need to lose the hokey narrator BADLY, make Kevin not NEARLY as stupid, and tell the chick in the show to stop with the pouty faces. Ugh.

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Ben said...

Since I'm much more interested in chick's body than Tommy's, it was a total wash for me. The price tommy paid was pretty cool though. 60 minutes, 1 cool 25 seconds angle. Nice work guys.

At 3:09 AM, Blogger Patrick said...

Cmon... don't die on me Sue!!!!

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Ben said...

And here I thought my blog was the only one that died. Sue, I still need email/phone for you. Visit me at


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