Beware the Goths and the Nuns
This is an awesome flowchart...and if there's one thing in life that I appreciate, it's a good flowchart. I think of this as a nice companion piece to go with some of my friend Ben's antichrist-related posts.
Movies get reviewed. Maybe I've seen them, maybe I haven't. I also wax philosophical on television, media in general, and perhaps even the DCVC.
This is an awesome flowchart...and if there's one thing in life that I appreciate, it's a good flowchart. I think of this as a nice companion piece to go with some of my friend Ben's antichrist-related posts.
I turned my TV on the other day, and voila...a new guilty pleasure was discovered: Supergroup on VH1. I don't know whether my Tivo sensed that this show would ring my bell, or whether I had luckily been watching something else on the channel when last I turned off my TV, but let's be honest...this show reads as though someone greenlit it solely for my entertainment!
Maybe it's Tivo that's made me less tolerant of commercials recently, but there is one in particular that I hear every FREAKIN' morning on my way to work (it's a radio commercial) that makes me want to kill myself. It's almost enough to make me want satellite radio sometimes. I'm sure you've heard it...there a dramatic voice over accompanied by hipper-than-thou music waxing rhapsodically about how in California, at a bar, a distinctive beer is being served. In New York, at the same time, a mellow, tasteful beer is also being served. And the amazing thing's the EXACT SAME BEER!
Since there's nothing in the theaters I feel compelled to review at the moment, I've decided to turn my attention to my first and truest love....Television. I indeed have an unabashed love for the programming on HBO...I think it's some of the best stuff on television (see also FX). But the Sopranos season finale this week was WEAK. With a capital W. It's as if they had something explosive planned, but then heard from the net that they were greenlit for 8 more episodes and suddenly all of their ambition just melted away. For Christsakes, if I wanted a season finale that ended with a happy Christmas dinner scene, I'd have watched "The Waltons." Such a letdown. By the way, did the Christopher/Juliana hook up seem enormously contrived to anyone else? That's one thing this show usually stays well away from. Ugh.
Every time I think I've moved beyond my anger about the remake of The Omen, I'm confronted by something that reinforces how much this movie is going to suck, and I get all riled up again. This article is all about the "curse" that befell the filmmakers working on the flick. Can you say "lame, transparent publicity stunt?"