I turned my TV on the other day, and voila...a new guilty pleasure was discovered: Supergroup on VH1. I don't know whether my Tivo sensed that this show would ring my bell, or whether I had luckily been watching something else on the channel when last I turned off my TV, but let's be honest...this show reads as though someone greenlit it solely for my entertainment!
Let's meet the band members!

Five aging rock stars + one Las Vegas "group house" + 12 days to write new songs, pick a band name & promote yourself for an upcoming gig = hilarity. Actually, 4 of the 5 people in this band are relatively normal (that's including The Nuge). I'm giving Evan Seinfeld, seeming the junior member of the Supergroup, a pass because he brings something extra to the table: his porn star girlfriend. See, he's her manager, so she lives in the Supergroup house too so that they can continue to concentrate on their business when the band isn't working. Really, it's a very logical plan. Amidst this band of rockers, who then is the true standout you ask? None other than the man who brought you "18 and Life," the 6'5" mouth of rock himself: Sebastian Bach.
Now, if you find yourself a part of VH1's "Celebreality" programming, you probably should refrain from throwing stones. The exception to this reality TV rule is truly evident on this show. I believe it is Jason Bonham who states that Bach has "The emotional maturity of a six year old." Never is this more hilariously apparent than during the naming of the group. Pretty much everyone has decided that Godwar (it's Raw Dog backwards!) is a great name for the group (which it's not, but I digress)...then comes the dissention. Bach spends literally the next 3/4 of the show attempting to convince his band mates, their manager, the clerk at the liquor store and anyone else who will listen that "Savage Animal" is a much, much better name for the group. His method of persuasion is simply repeating it over and over with the glee of a middle-school kid whilst making "rock hands." It's awesome. (I won't ruin it for you by revealing the final band name).
In addition, he makes everyone watch his cameo on the Gilmore Girls. I kid you not, he shushes The Nuge during an episode of the FREAKIN' GILMORE GIRLS. He gets tanked and makes a huggy spectacle of himself to Scott Ian, and tries to hook his girlfriend up with Seinfeld's porn star girlfriend. Overall, it's pretty brilliant to watch old rock stars get disgusted with one of their own.
The actual playing of music on the show tended to be less interesting than the behind-the-scenes drama. Go figure. I can only hope that subsequent viewings of Supergroup hold up to that first magical, Tivo-blessed viewing.
I've wanted to see this sooooo bad, but I don't get VH1. Please TiVo every episode, and we'll watch a marathon when I eventually visit you.
I hear everyone wants to kill Bach. Meanwhile, all Bach wants to do is go down on Nugent. This show is every bit as much comedic gold as the Surreal Life. That show might have peaked for me with Ron Jeremy, Tammy Faye and Vanilla Ice all in the same house. I need to buy that season on DVD.
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