Friday, June 09, 2006

Commercials That Piss Me Off

Maybe it's Tivo that's made me less tolerant of commercials recently, but there is one in particular that I hear every FREAKIN' morning on my way to work (it's a radio commercial) that makes me want to kill myself. It's almost enough to make me want satellite radio sometimes. I'm sure you've heard it...there a dramatic voice over accompanied by hipper-than-thou music waxing rhapsodically about how in California, at a bar, a distinctive beer is being served. In New York, at the same time, a mellow, tasteful beer is also being served. And the amazing thing's the EXACT SAME BEER!

This is neither exciting nor amazing. It's a freakin' BUDWEISER product. Calling something distinctive, mellow and tasteful in the same breath is not all that unique...I'd say it's Beer Marketing 101. I don't know why I'm supposed to get excited about's like getting excited about buying a Twinkie in LA and being amazed that the very same delicious Twinkie is available for consumption in Florida. For christsakes people...find a better marketing angle than that. It's called Interstate commerce and last I checked, it's been around a long, long time in the good ol' USA. Besides, Budweiser sucks anyway, regardless of the "Select Premium Extra-Special Dark Smooth Lager" label they may slap on it from time to time.


At 2:40 PM, Blogger Ben said...

That's why I love Sirius. I will never, and I mean NEVER listen to terrestrial radio again. And you're all a bunch of suckers for subjecting yourself to that kind of abuse.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I have XM and agree that the satellite way is really the only way to go.

But Sue, have you forgotten that Bud is the "King" of beers? Show some respect.

At 3:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Budweiser is the biggest wad of rat piss ever to be bottled on planet Earth. There is nothing of good qualiy in any Budweiser beer, unless of course we're talking about the original Czech beer from Budweis.

The original Budweiser is a regional Czech flavor of beer, much like Pilsner is from Plzen (Pilsen). Anheuser-Busch stole the name of the flavor to label the most flavorless beer known to man.

Hell, Bob Klein's "Beer Lover's Rating Guide," one of the foremost publications on beer quality, gives even Steel Reserve higher marks than Budweiser.

Klein credits Budweiser's success in the market solely to Anheuser-Busch's marketing campaigns.

Which makes me sad for humanity that a crappy beer like that actually gets sold because people are stupid enough to fall for their idiotic ads.


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