Nachos With Extra Cheese
I was walking through the Wheaton mall the other day on my way to Target when I noticed an obscene number of obscenely large posters of Jack Black in a somewhat obscene spandex outfit shilling for a new movie called Nacho Libre. Having not seen a trailer on TV yet and not being a huge fan of Jack Black, I was curious, but let's just say I wasn't running out to check my local theater times quite yet.
Anyway, I have since checked out the trailer and was subsequently compelled to review it. I know this may be shock to people...but I like cheesy movies. Additionally, thanks to my good friend John Terp, I have an excessive amount of knowledge about Mexican wrestling that I need to share. Lastly, even though this movie appears to be ridiculous, it comes with a decent comedy pedigree worthy of some curiosity at the very least.
Jared Hess, writer/director of Napoleon Dynamite, directs what is sure to be a surreal and awkward movie about Nacho Libre, a soon-to-be famous Mexican wrestler. Jack Black plays said wrestler. From the trailer, he follows his dreams of becoming a famous wrestler by donning spandex, teaming up with the skinniest Mexican guy EVER, and entering himself in back-alley wrestling competitions, all in the hope of one day being a superstar wrestler like the Man in the Golden Mask, or as the Altavista Babel Fish program calls him "El Hombre con la Máscara de Oro" (not quite the funny translation I had hoped for, but I'll take it).

Will this movie be "good?" seems as though this film is going to follow the time-honored "underdog makes good" storyline. When you think about it, Napoleon Dynamite did too, but in a pretty meandering, interesting, unexpected way. Expect a lot of ND fanboys to love this and a lot of Indie/Arthouse movie fanboys to decry it as an outrage (because it's no longer underground, man). Whatever. I kinda like it when the underdog wins. So sue me.

In some ways, I think Hess picked a perfect subject for his Napoleon Dynamite follow-up. To quote John, a true Santo fan: "My favorite aspect of Santo is that he's truly a third world superhero -- he's got no superpowers -- just a silver alpha romeo convertable and the mask."