Prison is a Bitch

I'm so tired of waiting for TVGasm, one of my favorite all-time websites, to update their Prison Break section that I'm moved to write about the show myself.
It is amazing. If you haven't been watching it religiously on Monday nights, Tivoing it, or didn't catch the FX marathon a couple months back, you should pray to the TV Gods that another marathon materializes sometime soon.
For those unfamiliar with the show, Wentworth Miller plays Michael Scofield, a structural engineer gone very wrong in an attempt to get thrown in prison. Why? To break his brother, Lincoln Burroughs, out of course. The first season has been copiously recapped (except for the LAST THREE DAMN EPISODES) via TVGasm, but here's a quick synopsis: Lincoln is on death row for killing the Vice President's brother, and his execution is approaching quickly. Michael did some structural work on the prison and therefore has blueprints to it, but cannot memorize enough of them to be effective, so he TATTOOS them on (hidden in the glorious design at left), robs a bank, gets thrown in the same prison (Fox River) as his brother, and begins his breakout plans. Along the way, he enlists the help of a few other inmates for very specific reasons: one guy has money, one can get a plane on standby, and one is his cellmate (he just kinda has to be in on it for logistical reasons). On the outside, Veronica, a lawyer and old flame of Lincoln, is working to clear his name (he didn't kill the guy). Another lawyer from a place called Project Justice (Nick ) joins her, but while they are making headway they also are being hunted by a couple of bad, bad government thugs, the worst of whom goes by the name Kellerman.
Nearly all of the above is set up in the first TWO episodes. As the season progresses, more and more cons end up learning about the breakout and all of them threaten to expose the plan unless they are brought in on it. In the hands of lesser producers and writers, this show would have derailed right about've suddenly got about thirty characters between the inmates, the warden, 3-4 prison guards of note, 3 government thugs, the Vice President (evil), her "backers" (also evil), two lawyers, a re-appearing father figure and the prison doctor, Sarah Tancredi (her dad's also the coincidental). But no...rather than derailing this show actually made a lot of these characters quite memorable, like the evil pedophilic inmate T-Bag. And yes, that is his name on the show (more proof of this show's awesomeness).
Not wanting to ruin it for my fellow Prison Breakers, I'll warn you now that I'm going to discuss the season finale. Take solace in the above picture of HOT Michael Scofield and stop reading now.
I was on the edge of my seat during the actual break out episode, cheering OUT LOUD for them to make it over the fence (except for T-Bag...that guy should never see the light of day). In fact, I almost think that that episode should have been the season finale. The finale itself, however packed so many loose ends into one hour that I could barely contain myself. In order of what I can't freakin' believe:
-Did Westmoreland actually die? I am almost certain that he did...
-Nick...definitely doorknob dead
-T-Bag...jesus bloody stump on a stick, does he have any chance without a hand?
-Haywire...nice misdirection, producers. He can't get far in a wack shack suit and football helmet, can he?
-President Ms. Bitch...again, nice misdirection. Apparently she CAN, in fact, get things done
And for the biggest shock of you think they really killed off Tancredi?
Does this show require huge "suspension of disbelief"? Yes. Is Veronica both annoying and stupid? Yes. Is the show amazingly addictive with an awesome cast, witty writers and some ingenious plot twists? YES.
To tide me over until fall (when my TV additiction comes back on for season 2), I'm open to any and all speculation on the fates of our intrepid cons...Michael, Lincoln, Sucre, Westmoreland (R.I.P), Tweener, C-Note, T-Bag, Haywire and Abruzzi.
I couldnt get into it. I really enjoyed about 1/2 of the first season, but it's too over the top for me. In other news, I've been picking fights with Catholics about the Da Vinci Code, and I wanted to share one of their comments with you:
I'll relate to you the scenario Mark Shea suggested:
One sympathetic and a couple more asking the tired question, "Isn't it just fiction?" I proposed a fictional film in which all the homosexuals in the world were engaged in a vast conspiracy to destroy Western Civilization.
"That would be offensive."
No duh.
The *only* time people fall for this notion that a fictional story which goes out of its way to malign and defame a billion people is "just fiction" is when it bashes Christians. The only time such people believe it will have absolutely no effect on what people think is with the Da Vinci Code. Try making a modern fictional film in which blacks are all watermelon-eating Stepin Fetchit dunces, or Jews are all conniving lechers and you will (rightly) get a storm of protest because these lies are pernicious and do real damage. But declare Christians the suckers of a 2000 year old Vatican conspiracy of murder and lies in the service of "the greatest coverup of all time", blaspheme Jesus and call all Christians fools for believing in him: that's just fiction.
And the msot galling aspect? It's "courageous" to say this. As if Christians are going to bomb the office of Sony or issue a fatwa against Ron Howard.
This explains why the argument "it's just fiction" doesn't fly. There are millions of Christians in the world, but there are millions of non-Christians who believe this tripe.
So...I was a little confused by your post, but I'm assuming that someone responding to you is actually the one with their panties in a bunch over the DaVinci Code. Well, guess what...Kevin Smith basically made a movie about the bloodline of Jesus 5-6 years's called Dogma. Get over it. Religion + mystery = good movies (see also: The Exorcist). Gays + evil world domination plot = probably not a good movie UNLESS in the hands of Trey Parker and Matt Stone or Mel Brooks. That I would absolutely pay to see. Besides, I'd say that accusing the DaVinci code of "Maligning and Defaming" a billion people is overstating things a wee bit. Sheesh.
I only posted the whole thing so you'd read it, then realize that the most valuable nugget I got out of what she had to say was a potentially hysterical movie idea. And yes, I fully concur your choices for Director. I'll have to email them the idea. Maybe I can get a cut...
If you're truly curious about how I shredded their responses to my "its a piece of fiction, who gives a shit" post, I linked it to the post I put up last night. They're actually doing a pretty good job about not being assholes about it, but certainly steadfast in their belief.
Anyway, starting earlier this week, I just felt like messing with them. Something about book burning really rubbed me the wrong way. Anyway, I'll leave you with this:
"How ta spake San Franciscan:
Oh! One more thing. Be sure to take a look over my way later this week. I'm going to post the big winners and losers of May Sweeps. Since I don't have Tivo, and don't care that much about TV, I'll need some reviews for the shows I DONT watch. Do you follow any of these:
ER? (Does anyone still follow this watered down crap?)
Gilmore Girls? (I made it through 10 minutes of one episode once).
Ghost Whisperer (hehehe...)
According to Jim?
That 70s show? (I might catch it)
Reba? (She has a show?!)
Everybody Hates Chris (I wish I got into this, but I couldnt...)
Scrubs (i love it, i just always miss it)
The OC (I was pleased to hear someone dies...I wish they all would)
Actually, much faster to tell you what I dont miss--Earl, Family Guy, The office, Bones and House.
I watch Scrubs occasionally, but that's it out of your list...I did watch the season finale of The Office last night though, and it blew my mind. I think I literally teared up.
Interesting...I missed it for once. Their SF wasnt last week when they went to vegas?
Ever try They also recap shows, and I believe Prison Break is one of them on the list. Snarky, hilarious recaps.
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