Happy Halloween!
Hi all - Those that know me know that I think Halloween is the best holiday ever. I basically write someone off as a lost cause if they don't find some joy in a holiday centered around candy, donut holes, costumes and hijinks. Thankfully, the company I work for agrees. In fact, I'd say I work in the most Halloween-y office around. I've mentioned to some of you that the decoration level in my office has been slowly escalating to an insane level for a while now, but you don't seem to believe me.
Allow me to take you on a photo tour of my office...
If they decorate at all, most offices stick with safe, non-creepy Halloween decorations like this:
or this:
Clearly we've got those bases covered, but we've got a lot of macabre bases covered too. This is our lobby...it's nice and Halloween-y. Check out the skull in a globe, it's awesome (on the pedestal to the right):
As we move down the hallway though, things get a little dicey. This is the scene at the end of the hall (the red wall is not for Halloween, FYI). It's very "Mothman Prophecies" to me:
If you take a left into our kitchen, perhaps to get a snack or a drink, beware. This is where it starts to get weird. Notice the "blood" coming out of the microwave.
To the left of the witch and the bloody microwave in the pic above is this...a goblin with a fake BBQ. The BBQ makes sizzling sounds.
Let's take a look at what's for dinner:
...every time someone goes into or comes out of the bathroom. Yeah, that's not going to get old.
Begin to make your way to my office and you'll find a funeral in progress.
This is a close-up of our dearly departed. FYI, this thing makes a creepy human heartbeat that can be heard from 20 feet away or so. Also FYI, this guy spent some time in our kitchen as the "hanging man." Yeah, that didn't last long.
Keep heading towards my office and you'll come upon this guy.
Once you get back to my office, there isn't much creepy going on except for A) those of us that work back here are weirdos and B) we have a ficus with eyeball lights on it. Turn around to head out though, and you see this:
I'd also like to point out that the decorating continues as I type this. I actually saw our owner's wife (and chief decorator) trying to disable lights in order to make it spookier around here.
God I love Halloween!